Piedmont and National BSA Welcomes Girls to Scouting

 In Council News

As of June 2018, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) broadened its Scouting program to offer the benefits of Scouting to more youth than ever before! Cub Scouts is now open to both boys and girls ages 5-10/grades K-5, enabling more youth to access the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting provides. Beginning February 1, 2019, the Boy Scout program for youth ages 11-17 will also be available to girls; its name will consequently be changed to Scouts BSA.

Coed Scouting in Piedmont

Piedmont Scouting officially welcomed girls to Cub Scouting with the Cubalooza Spring Open House event held in Piedmont Park for all interested youth and their parents. It was a huge success and will be followed by a Cub Scout Fall Air Day Event on August 26th for any interested youth.

Piedmont Scouting has been serving families for many years. Young women began participating in the BSA Exploring vocational program in 1971 and our Piedmont Venturing crews, Learning for Life programs, and Sea Scout Ship have been coed for many years. In addition, girls (and younger brothers!) have been participating informally in Piedmont Cub Scout programs through Highlander Hikes, Twilight Camp, Air Day, Pinewood Derby, and Piedmont Cub Scout Day Camp.

The Piedmont Council Executive Board and Scouting volunteer leadership will be working hard to rollout the new Family Scouting programs in a manner that preserves the unique culture of the Piedmont Scouting community. Stay tuned!

If you are interested in more information about this policy change, check out the National BSA website on Family Scouting at https://www.scouting.org/familyscouting/.

What is Scouting?

Scouting is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young people and their families. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Family involvement is an essential part of the program, and parents are encouraged to play an active role in making the most of the short time they have to impact the lives of their children. Learn more about our Piedmont Scouting program here or read about the National BSA Family Scouting FAQ’s here.

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